The International Tennis Federation (ITF) has announced that the 3rd edition of the ITF World Participation Conference will take place on 12-14 July, providing a virtual platform for global conversation about increasing participation in tennis and sport. Key-note speakers Judy Murray and Martina Hingis will headline day two and three of the conference which brings together leading international experts to share insight and expertise on the conference’s theme ‘Innovating to drive participation in sport’. The ITF will reveal the latest update to the Global Tennis Report, assessing the impact of the pandemic on global tennis participation and other measurables since the report was first published in 2019. ITF Executive Director of Development, Luca Santilli, said “We are pleased to be able to host this event virtually after cancellation in 2020. It is the first time that we will be able to gather leaders within tennis and sport to share experiences and learnings from the pandemic and to make some initial assessments of its impact on participation around the world.” Other topics that will be covered by speakers from organisations including FIFA, UCI, Olympic Solidarity and major tennis governing bodies are the impact of major sporting events on participation, digital strategies to drive participation and utilising insight and evidence for participation in sport. The ITF will also take the opportunity to provide a further update on the ITF World Tennis Number, outlining progress and strategy for the game-changing new rating system, alongside case studies from nations already in the process of adopting and launching the ITF World Tennis Number. Hosted virtually for the first time, the 2021 edition will be open to all those who wish to register, with a registration fee of US$9.95. Registration is made through the ITF Academy platform, which also provides access to content from the previous two ITF World Participation Conferences. Registration to the ITF Academy provides access to over 150 educational courses and content.